
钻井工程师Drilling Engineer 12k~20k

本科及以上 三年以上 上海

更新时间: 2020-04-13

私营/民营企业 1 - 49人


招聘日期: 2019-12-26 ~ 2020-05-30


1. 为内蒙古的煤炭就地气化(ISC)项目的钻井和固井提供工程、设计、计划和运营支持
2. ISC钻井、固井技术及知识产权开发
3. 开发3项ISC自主知识产权
4. 为中国团队提供操作和安全支持,并协助评估和选择钻井承包商和合同
5. 负责审查和批准所有钻井和固井方案、技术、试验和项目。

1. 审核ISC钻井和固井作业的成本预算
2. 审核钻井和固井作业的详细成本
4. 为长期规划和单井提供详细的设备规格
5. 确保所有工程和计划按照符合相关政策和程序的方式进行
6. 定期对钻井和固井作业进行现场检查,以确保QA和QC的审核合格
7. 监控钻井和固井作业,为钻井作业提供技术和工程支持
8. 协助实施和确保标准的ISC钻井和完井工艺
9. 为ACEG提供商业和技术咨询
10. 协调、促进和提高安全、作业性能和井筒质量的技术进步
11. 评估ISC钻井和固井作业中设备的适用性和性能
12. 开发3项ISC自主知识产权-为ISC获取知识产权
13. CTO指示的其他职责。

1. 审核钻井和固井相关的合同
2. 协助拟备工程范围,为选定的服务拟备招标文件
4. 根据钻井和固井计划对选定的承包商进行系统和工作场所审计,文件及档案审核
5. 及时纠正不符合项
6. 在工程开始前,审查承包商在重要、危险或非例行工程的程序、风险评估及JHA的程序
7. 审核并演严格执行HSE的程序和规定
8. 始终按照ACEG HSE管理体系工作
9. 工作时注意自己的健康和安全;并确保活动不会对他人的健康和安全造成不利影响
10. 向直接主管报告所有可能或已经造成人身伤害或环境破坏的事件。

1. 工程学士或同等学历
2. 至少3年ISC钻井和固井工程及操作经验
3. 其他钻井和固井经验,欢迎在石油、天然气和热力井方面有工作经验者
4. 有连续油管作业经验
5. 有管理预算、成本跟踪和成本估算的经验
6. 有管理远程操作的经验
7. 具有相关行业软件包的应用经验
8. 有签订合同、执行合同的经验
9. 具有团队合作精神, 精力充沛、热情、上进心强
10. 常识决策能力, 能够独立工作,同时拥有良好的团队合作意识
11. 高度注重细节,良好的时间管理能力,能够在截止日期前完成多项工作
12. 优秀的组织能力和沟通能力

1. To engineer, design, plan and provide operational support to execute Drilling and Completions for various in-situ conversion (ISC) Projects in China and other locations
2. ISC Drilling and Completions technical expert and intellectual property development (sub-surface tools and designs)
3. Develop 3 ISC Patents
4. Provide operational and safety support to the Chinese team and assist with evaluation and selection of Drilling Contractors and Contracts
5. The role is responsible for reviewing and endorsing all drilling & completions programmes, technologies, trials, projects.

1. To review budgetary cost estimates for ISC Drilling & Completions operations
2. To collaborate and review Chinese detailed cost estimates for Drilling & Completions operations
3. To engineer, design and prepare Drilling & Completions Programmes for Drilling activities
4. To provide detailed equipment specifications for long lead planning and individual wells
5. To ensure that all engineering and planning is performed in a structured manner that complies with relevant policies and procedures
6. To perform regular field visits for Drilling & Completions operations to ensure QA & QC
7. To monitor Drilling & Completions operations and provide technical and engineering support to Drilling operations
8. To assist with implementing and developing standard ISC Drilling & Completions processes
9. To provide commercial and technical advice to ACEG as the Drilling & Completions technical expert
10. To co-ordinate, promote, monitor and recommend technology advancements that improve safety, operational performance and wellbore quality
11. To review drilling and completions equipment suitability and performance for ISC Drilling & Completions operations
12. Develop 3 ISC patents – capture intellectual property for ISC
13. Other duties as directed by the CTO.

1. To review and understand contracts that are relevant to Drilling & Completions operations
2. To assist preparation of Scope of Works for preparation of Tender documents for selected services
3. To prepare and assist with Technical tender evaluations for selected services
4. Perform systems and workplace audits on selected suppliers as per Drilling & Completions Schedule. Document and file audits
5. Ensure closure of any deficient items from audits
6. To review contractor’s procedures, risk assessments and JHA’s for critical, hazardous or non-routine operations prior to commencement of work
7. Review, understand and adhere to the HSE policies arrangements/procedures and rules as issued
8. Always work in accordance with the ACEG HSE management system
9. Take care of your own health and safety whilst at work; and ensure your activities do not adversely affect the health and safety of others
10. Report to immediate supervisor all incidents, which have or could result in personal injury or environmental damage.
11. Read, understand and adhere to the HR policies and procedures
12. Actively role model ACEG values to create a positive team environment.

Qualifications & Experience
1. Bachelor of Engineering Degree or equivalent
2. Minimum 3 years drilling & completions engineering and operational experience for ISC
3. Other drilling and completions experience welcome for Oil & Gas and thermal well applications
4. Experience with coiled tubing operations
Competencies, Skills & Personal Qualities
5. Experience managing budgets, cost tracking and cost estimates
6. Experience in managing remote operations
7. Experience with relevant industry software packages
8. Experience with contracts, execution and compliance
9. Interpersonal style that demonstrates a commitment to team work and collaboration
10. Energetic, enthusiastic and self-motivated
11. Common sense decision making abilities
12. Ability to work autonomously as well as in a team environment
13. High attention to detail
14. Ability to meet deadlines and to multi-task
15. Ability to communicate at all levels
16. Excellent organizational skills